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5 Serious Heart Conditions That Require A Pacemaker

March 30, 2023
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Pacemakers are small electronic devices that are surgically inserted in the chest to help monitor and regulate your heart. In case of a slow or silent heartbeat, a pacemaker can improve the heart’s rhythm and bring it back on track. Moreover, due to their wide use and benefits, pacemakers are only allotted to those who suffer from serious cardiovascular disease. For more insight on what conditions require a pacemaker, continue reading this blog.

What Is A Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is a remote cardiac monitoring device used to regulate heartbeat. Depending on the severity of the condition, a pacemaker can be inserted in your chest for temporary or permanent purposes. Usually, pacemakers are implanted near the collarbone as it helps give better readings. The device itself is made out of a small box and wires that are threaded through the ventricular closest to the heart. This placement allows the pacemaker to stimulate electrical heartbeats when needed so your heartbeat doesn’t falter.

Heart Conditions That Require A Pacemaker

Cardiologists only recommend getting a pacemaker when dealing with serious heart conditions, some of which include:

1. Bradycardia

Bradycardia is a condition that causes the rhythm of your heart to slow down, leading to extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, and, sometimes, fainting.

2. Heart Block

When the electrical signals controlling your heartbeat freeze or get delayed, it can give way to heart block. This serious disease is linked to dizziness, chest pain, and fainting.

3. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

This is a condition where the heart muscles become abnormally thick, making it extremely difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively.

4. Long QT Syndrome

Usually, your heart is responsible for routinely pumping blood. However, when this cycle gets disrupted, or it takes longer than normal for your heart muscles to recharge, it could be due to long QT syndrome. If left untreated, it can worsen the condition, leading to cardiac arrest and seizures.

5. Sick Sinus Syndrome

The sinus or sinoatrial node is considered to be the heart’s natural pacemaker. Thus, when it is damaged or harmed, it may not function properly. This, in turn, can give way to a series of events that can only be regulated with the help of a pacemaker.

How Does A Pacemaker Work?

The process of a working pacemaker is dependent on the condition it is used for. Typically, the generates electric heartbeats, which are carried through the wire to the ventricular. This improves heart function and reduces chronic symptoms like fatigue, fainting, and arrhythmia. For people with severe cardiovascular disease, a pacemaker can help enhance the quality of their life. Thanks to their cyclic patterns and consistency, pacemakers tend to jolt the heart, forcing it to pump fake pulses to survive.


To sum it up, there are quite a few heart conditions that require a pacemaker. But most commonly, cardiologists recommend getting a pacemaker if the patient suffers from bradycardia, heart block, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome, and sick sinus syndrome. Nevertheless, for more information on pacemakers and remote cardiac monitoring, contact Octagos at (281) 769-8733. You can also come visit us at 13325 Hargrave Rd Suite 281, Houston, TX 77070. We’re located on the first floor of the Hargrave Plaza.

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