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When to Go to the Hospital for Rapid Heart Rate & When to Worry

December 15, 2022
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An increased heart rate isn’t usually something to worry about. It’s common for your heart to beat faster when blood is supplied to it. It’s a response to everyday activities like exercising, running, drinking coffee, and, at times, even due to stress. However, completely dismissing it is also not ideal. A frequent increase in heart rate could point to abnormal heart rhythms or an internal yet severe heart condition. So, when is the right time to go to the hospital for a rapid heart rate? When should you be worried? If you’re curious, keep on reading this blog.

Is a Rapid Heart an Emergency?

It’s only when your heartbeat is constantly erratic that it can be worrisome. That is to say; a rapid heart rate doesn’t always lead to an emergency. It can be a completely normal response by your body. But if you face it frequently, multiple times a day, you might be dealing with Tachycardia or Heart Arrhythmia.

What is a Normal Heart Rate?

Usually, when a heart’s rhythm is somewhere between 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm), it’s considered normal. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that adults and children have different bpm ranges. For instance, children around 12 years have a 55 – 85 bpm. Similarly, toddlers deal with a 70-110 bpm range. Although, for newborn babies, the range can be a bit higher, around 100-150 bpm. Regardless of the discrepancies, an increased heart is known as Tachycardia. Whereas when it borders on the slower rate, it is called Bradycardia. Moreover, your heart varies depending on what you’re doing. When you’re sleeping or lying down, it can shoot down as low as 50 bpm! But that’s okay and nothing to be concerned about.

When to go to the Hospital for Rapid Heart Rate?

When a person’s heart starts pumping blood faster, there’s this particular feeling that overtakes them. Along with the irregular heartbeats, you may also notice the following symptoms arise:

  • Heart Palpitations
  • Feeling Lightheaded
  • Nauseous
  • Dizziness
  • Pain in the Chest
  • Having Difficulty Breathing
  • Losing Consciousness
  • Cardiac Arrest

What Causes Your Heart Rate to Increase?

As critical as it is to know the signs of Tachycardia, it’s also vital to understand what really causes such a reaction. Mentioned below are some common reasons you might be experiencing an increase in your heart rate.

  1. HIIT Exercise
  2. Overdosing on Caffeine
  3. Low Blood Sugar
  4. Severe Dehydration
  5. Emotional or Mental Stress
  6. Fear or Excitement
  7. Drinking Alcohol
  8. Anemia
  9. Spike in Thyroid Levels

How to Treat an Abnormal Heart Rate

Facing an irregular heart rate almost every day is not something you can take lightly. It’s okay if it’s every once in a while. But constant irregularities need to be treated. In such a case, schedule an appointment with a cardiologist for an evaluation. Chances are, the doctor would take your blood pressure and write you down for other medical tests. Your cardiologist might also suggest you wear a Heart or Holter Monitor for a day. Maybe even two weeks for an in-depth assessment.

Final Takeaway

If you were wondering when to go to the hospital for a rapid heart rate, the answer depends on its frequency. If you’re worried or unsure of what to do, contact Octagos at (281) 769-8733 for more information. You can drop by and visit our clinic at 13325 Hargrave Rd Suite 281, Houston, TX 77070. You’ll find us on the first floor of the Hargrave Plaza.

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